Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Strike for Prime Minister

Today is fourth day of general strike called by United Maoists Party of Nepal. Due to General strike whole Nepal is paralysed.Whole Nepali are confined within four wall of their room.Hospital are closed, banking sector is totally neutral,share markets is not active,no any financial transaction in big supermarket and business house. Corporate house are just calculating their loss due to this strike.Education houses are becomming a camp for cadres of Maoists.

Upto when this will continue we dont know but what we think is that this is not a right way.This is not a democratic way.

For Prime Minister, doing strike on road is not a democratic way.If now due to this Strike present Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal give resign and Maoists come in Government then this will give a very bad lession to the Whole World

As we all know that there are any rival groups in Terai, Himal,Pahad.All wants to be a leader in society and community.If now from road Maoists got Prime Minister then all will come in road and ask for Prime minister.

If this happened then we will be compelled to say Gyanendra again king because he can also make a whole Nepal paralysed and ask for kingship in Nepal.Then what will happen?Who will be responsible?Who will be there to answer this issue.

So at this critical time, all political parties should think in a diplomatic and democratic way.They should not think the present, should think past.They should understand that " it is not good to have profit now neglecting the loss in future".