Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Youth and Present Conservation Issues

Young people have a great role to play in the development of a nation. History is replete with examples of the contribution of youth in nation building. Even more so, in a developing country like ours, youth have an even greater role to play. I believe that for proper utilization and mobilization of the nation’s resources, it is pivotal to mobilize youth in the process.

Conservation means sustainable use of natural resources ranging from soil, water, and minerals to plants, and animals. From the aesthetic and moral perspective, conservation also encompasses maintenance of national parks, historical and cultural sites, and wildlife areas. In some cases, conservation may also imply the protection of a natural environment from any human or an economic activity. Conservation, to me, is one of the most important national tasks to be performed by government, because without conservation of either renewable or non-renewable resources, national development cannot be attained.

Our natural environment is being deteriorated at a geometric progression with each passing day. Wildlife is in a situation of danger; the number of endangered species is multiplying; the habitat of many species is devoid of proper management. Additionally, home ranges, and territories of many species are being destroyed for human settlements. Natural habitat of wild animals is being transformed into industrial area. All this has deteriorated the overall environment.

Climate change has been one of the major environmental issues of our time. It is believed to have unprecedented impacts on human beings and their life-support systems. Studies have found out that climate change will have severe impact on water resources, agriculture, and forests, all of which are a source of livelihood for millions of people. This will rob people from the “right to development” and the “right to survival.” Nepalese economy is agro-based and is largely dependent upon the Himalayan water resources and tourism. The rise in temperature has accelerated the snow-melting process. As a result, the snow-covered mountains have significantly declined compared to the past and if the trend continues, they are projected to contract further in the future. The glaciers, in the Himalayas are, therefore, retreating fast posing threats.

Although Nepal has contributed insignificantly to the problem, the country is likely to be one of the hardest-hit. Scientific and anecdotal evidences confirm that climate change has already impacted communities in Nepal through the melting Himalayas. Also, the changing monsoon patterns have a direct effect on water resources and results in reduced crop yield, which leads to food insecurity. Moreover, a number of endangered species are getting extinct because of increased poaching for trading. Game-species are being hunted for economic benefits. Also, animal parts are being illegally exported without fear of law.

The reason for such a calamity is lack of proper law enforcement agencies. Nepal Army and Department of National Park and Wildlife Reserve (DNPWC) are responsible only for activities inside national parks and wildlife reserves. Outside them, Police and District Forest Offices are responsible. Political influence has been one of the major hindrances in the active involvement of these agencies in achieving their conservation objectives.
It is important to mobilize youth for proper conservation of natural resources and to mitigate the effects of climate change. I also say this because I believe that it is the young people who will face the dire consequences of what is happening to the environment today. Young people have the zeal and the energy to perform tasks differently. They can use their learning to design ways to combat the effects of climate change. All they need is guidance, and they will accomplish the objective of saving the environment.

Youth can also control illegal hunting and poaching in and outside the national parks. There are various anti-poaching youth groups formed for creating awareness in community, and controlling such activities. An anti poaching youth groups in buffer zone area of Chitwan National Park are doing a commendable job in raising awareness about the demerits of poaching, and ultimately controlling such activities. More such groups need to be formed, and more youth should be mobilized in order to conserve our wildlife and natural resources.

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