Thursday, March 4, 2010

Feelings of Nepalese Youth

Feeling of Nepali Youth

First of all I like say sorry for updating my blog after very long. I was trapped by many works and many exams. Within this period I finished my regular exam of B.Sc. forestry second year. At same time I also attained the exam of certificate course in disaster management under Indira Gandhi National Open University.
In between this period I saw many change in my life, my family, my society, my country and whole world.

Actually the worst thing I suffered in between this is the change that my beautiful country Nepal suffered.

Today I was just walking on footpath at Putalisadak street. I saw a group of motor bikers blowing horn loudly neglecting others right of silence. The forty to fifty bikers compelled the different showroom to close their door. Looking this I feel very bad. The unidentified wind starts to blow within me. The undetermined emotion start to pressure me. I couldn’t able to keep myself there for a long time.

Walking from there I remember one incident which I face few days ago at Sundhara.
The street was full of student and players from different college and club. Everyone were carrying a national flag of Nepal and chanting a slogans Together for Tourism, East West Nepal is Best..We Nepali welcome you all ..and many more…This was the day of official declaration of Tourism Year 2011.There were no traffic on street. Actually the situation was lovely. But suddenly I saw two policeman scolding one scooter riders. I crossed the long rally and reached to them. There I saw the scooter man was physically disabled. This scooter was not a normal scooter it was modified to make suitable for disabled person. As I asked other about reason then they said that the scooter was trying to cross the long rally disobeying the order of policeman. And policeman were scolding so badly to that scooter riders. At same time I saw many bikes were crossing rally. Policeman were not saying anything to them. Just they were busy scolding that disabled person. I feel very bad. The law is for all. It is not only for disable. I talk with police person to respect physically disable person. I feel this is my responsibility being physically able. All this activities happened just in front of the historic tower Dahara which was built by Bhimsen Thapa.I feel Bhimsen Thapa is watching this all. What he feels??.

The incident place was not so far from Sahit gate(martyrs gate).I feel what those great martyrs were feeling at that time watching such a activities of policeman who were there to keep law and order for all Nepalese People.

No Nepali can remain untouched from such activities. Recently a great media entrepreneurs of Nepal, Jamim Shah was killed while returning to home by some gangsters. Upto now police is unable to identified the real guilty. Few days ago again another media entrepreneur (Mr.Singhania) killed by another gangsters in Terai. Director of Bharatpur Medical college was lucky to save his life from bullet. These are all some representative incident that are happening in Nepal. These incident get National issue because those person were reknowned in society but there are so many incident which happen in daily life of general Nepali people in country side.

Above I discussed about some incident I feel. Though this are my personal feeling but being a Nepali youth my feeling represent the feeling of Nepalese youth.I remember the saying of Ex.Army Chief Mr.Rukhmanghat Katuwal”Tomorrow the sun will be more bright that that of today”. So we all Nepali youth are waiting for bright sun to rise in the peacefull Sky of Nepal.

We Nepali youth are living under the dark with hope of bright future of Nation. Once again the full form of Nepal (Never End Peace And Love) will come true. May peace prevail in World..

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