Tuesday, August 11, 2009

An Introduction to Snow Leopard
(Unicia unicia)

Kingdom: Anamalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class : Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family :Felidae
Genus :Panthera
Species :Panthera unica


Snow Leopard is commonly found at elevations between 3000-4500m.Mostly the snow covered area is its habitat.Snow leopard are distributed in great heights extending over the trans Himalayan region. In world it is reported in different countries like Afghanistan, Bhutan, China,India,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia,Myanmar,Nepal,Pakistan,Russia,Tajikistan,Uzbekistan.In Nepal it is reported in Shey Phoksudno National Park,Dolpa, LangtangNational Park,Sagarmatha National Park, Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP),Makalu Barun National Park.

In appearance, the snow leopard is strikingly different from the common leopard. It posses long, thick smoky gray fur with dark band and spots, and a very long thick tail (longer than whole body length). The weight of adult snow leopard is up to 75 kg (165 lb).It is characterized by large paws, a strong chest, and short forelimbs that enable it to scale outcroppings on high cliffs. Further adaptations for high-altitude life include long hair with dense, woolly under fur and an enlarged nasal cavity. It has been reported to leap as far as 15 m .Throughout its range; the snow leopard is mostly associated with steep, dry, rocky terrain with shrub or grassland vegetation. It is generally found at elevations between 3000 - 4500 m. The snow leopard is an opportunistic predator. Its most common prey includes wild sheep and goats, but it also eats marmots, pikas, hares and game birds (chukor partridge and snowcocks), as well as domestic sheep, goats, yak etc. Though we call it leopard, due to the under-development of the fibro-elastic tissue that forms part of the vocal apparatus the snow leopard cannot give a full, deep roar and this along with differences in skull characteristics help to separate it from its fellow ‘big cats’.

Ontogeny and reproduction
Gestation Period :90-105 days
Young per Birth: Commonly 2-3 (Rarely 1-5)cubs
Sexual maturity: 2-3 Years
Life Span: 21 years

In the captivity and wild snow leopards breed during late winter (January-March).Captive-bom snow leopard cubs weighs 0.3-0.6 kg at birth. 1-2 kg after 25 days. Cubs open their eyes after about 1 week. Cub’s ears open after 2 weeks. They walk at 2 1/2 weeks. Retract claws at 3 1/2 weeks.Snow Leopard at age of 7 weeks start eating solid food voluntarily . Only after 12 weeks old they start to follow their mother (Juncys 1964. Frueh 1968. O'Conner and Freeman 1982).In captivity snow leopards have lived up to 21 years (Wharton and Freeman 1988).

The male weighs 45 - 55 kg (up to 75 kg )and the female snow leopard weighs 35 - 40 kg.

The snow leopard generally inhabits in high mountain region of Asia where rugged terrain such as steep slopes with bluffs, ridges broken by outcrops, and valleys interrupted by cliffs, with arid and semi-arid shrubland, grassland, or steppe vegetation are abundant. Alpine forest with pine, fir, birch act as a suitable habitat for them.They are concentrated in blue sheep area.(Lakhey.2003). As summer gives way to winter, the snow leopard will follow its migrating prey down below the tree line to the lowland forests that cover much of its habitat – however the cat is rarely associated with dense forestation.

Food/ Energy requirement
Adult snow leopard (less than 45 kg) requires approximately 3000-4000 kcal per day, or alternatively about 40-45 g of food per kg body weight per day.

Home Range
Snow leopards studied in an area of high prey density in western Nepal had home ranges of 12-39 km2. The snow leopards travelled an average straight-line distance of 0.8 km per day. The longest distance moved in one day was 7 km (Jackson and Ahlborn 1988).They spend 42 - 60% of their time in only 14 - 23% of the total home range area. They change location from one day to the next unless on a kill. They disperse at 18 - 22 months of age.

Snow leopards in Nepal are most active around dawn until about 10:00, and then again in the late afternoon and evening i.e crepuscular ((Jackson & Ahlborn 1989)).

Prey Species
The common prey species of snow Leopard are blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur),Himalayan tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus), serow,(Capricornis sumatraensis), goral (Nemorhaedus goral),musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster), wild boar (Sus scroJa), Tibetan antelope (Pantholops hodgsoni),wild yak (Bas grunninus),snowcock (Tetrogallus spp.) and chukor (Alectoris chukar). Study from different part of Nepal have shown that domestic animals such as sheep, goats, donkeys, horses,yak and cattle are constitute of Snow leopard prey.

Status and Trend in Nepal
Snow leopards are widely, but patchily and sparsely distributed throughout the alpine ecosystems of the Himalayan mountain range.The present research done by DNPWC and WWF Nepal shows that there are 300-400 Snow Leopards in Nepal. 2003 AD study shows that 4500 - 7350 (McCarthy & Chapron 2003) Snow Leopards were present in World. Nepal has listed the snow leopards in Schedule 1 of the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1973, thereby making it a priority species for conservation. It is Endangered species in IUCN category. The trend is declining.

Having been widely shot for fur in the early 20th century,it is still hunted for trophy. The patchy nature of its specialized habitat may render the smallest isolated populations endangered to extinctions, and higher levels of disturbance of local communities now pose a substantial threat.Localfarmers kill them because of its reputation as a livestock predator, and loss of prey due to man's hunting of the prey and competition of prey with domestic livestock is a main threats for snow leopards in Nepal.( Dhungel 1994).

Measures Taken
Legislation: This species is legally protected in Nepal. DNPWC act 2029 cited it as a protected wildlife.
Protected Area: many protected areas of Nepal are supposed to harbor the large populations of Snow Leopards. In Nepal,many protected area such as Shey Phoksundo National Park, Langtang National Park, Sagarmatha National Park etc are famous for snow leopard’s presence.

Many status surveys have been conducted in different parts of Nepal where Snow Leopards are abundant.Since along time different organization and expert are ingaged inassessing its presence and habitats.( e.g. Dhungel 1994).DNPWC, Department of Forests (DOF), WWF, National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), are involved in its protection and study. Snow Leopard Conservancy (US) is also working in Dolpa for its conservation and research. Junior ranger program implemented by this INGO is getting success. Few researches have been accomplished in Nepal with success and further more researched need to be emphasized on ecology and habitat study.

Conservation measures proposes
The following points give the short insight into what measures have proposed for Snow Leopard Conservation:
• Monitor populations at as many key sites as possible
• Access the effects of villagers upon the species and its habitat
• Manage the prey species
• Create awareness in local inhabitants’ of affected area
• Develop a species management plan to cover habitat preservations, and enforcement of hunting bans.

DNPWC act 2029
Snow Leopard (Wikipedia)
Toriello K. 2002. Uncia uncia, Animal Diversity Web. December 13, 2007.
Guggisberg C. 1975. Wild Cats of the World. New York: Taplinger Publishing Company.
Dhungel 1994, McCarthy & Chapron 2003,
Baral,H.S.and Shah,K.B. 2008. Wild Mammals of Nepal.Himalayan Nature, Kathmandu
Chalise,M.K,2060 B.S.Wildlife of Nepal,Vol3.Nepal Natural History Society, Kathmandu

Herbal Resources of Dolpa

The flora of the Nepal Himalaya contains 10,167 plant species, of which over 7,000 are flowering plants and over 1,600 species are medicinal and aromatic herbs (Shrestha et al. 2000). The herbs, representing about 25% of the total country’s vascular flora, are used under different traditional systems including the Ayurveda, Homeopathic, Home herbal (folklore) and Amchi (traditional Tibetan medicine) medicinal systems. Thirty percent medicinal plant species of the country occur in the western part of the country. Western mountain regions lifestyle is depend upon the income from these herbal resources prevailing in that area.

Dolpa lies between latitude 28 degrees 45 minutes to 29 degree 45minutes N and longitude 82 degrees 30 minutes to 83 degree 30 minutes east. It occupies an area of 7889 sq.km at the height of 1525-7754 M from sea level.Dolpa is well known as the Nepal’s largest district. It is rich in cultural and biological diversity.

Temperature of Dolpa varies from max.25 degree C to min -8 degree c. Due to which Dolpa is rich in medicinal plants. It is famous for the well known herbs YarsaGumba (Cardysips synenis).The variations of climate, soil and altitudes are responsible for these diversity. Due to richness in herbal resources the economic status is maintained. The income from these herbal resources contributes to the local and national economy through the generation of employment, not only local farmers and collectors are benefited but the whole stake holder related to herbal industry are benefited too.

Herbal drugs are playing an important role in health care programs world-wide
The need for conservation of medicinal plants being increasingly recognizes at local and national level. As medicinal herbs not only provide raw material for manufacture of drugs but also have reserved the local inhabitants for long time in traditional health care system and various other domestic consumption.

Among the 529 useful plant species recorded from Dolpa district so far, more than 400 species are medicinal plant such as Allium wallichii, Cordyceps sinensis, Aconitum, Allium, Arisaema, Berberis, Corydalis, Gentiana, Hippophae, Juniperus, Rhododendron,etc . The plants are widely used as resource for grazing in the Himalayas. Rotational grazing of livestock and selective harvesting mainly applied by Amchis were only the sustainable management approaches aimed at constraining pressures.

Medicinal plants are very important natural resources. Measures like conservation of rare species, systematic cultivation of economical profitable species and central of deforestation can greatly help being increasing these resources.

Mainly Dolpa is famous for Yarchagumba. Every year during May and June, thousands of villagers from remote areas risking their own lives head for high mountains to collect cordyceps or yarsagumba or yarchagumba. It is estimated that one villager can earn up to Rs. 2,500 approximately to $35 a day by collecting cordyceps or yarsagumba or yarchagumba which is beyond the monthly salary of many Nepalese households. Dolpa – a remote district in western Nepal with high steep valleys and dry climate is one of the foremost areas for collecting Cordyceps or Yarsagumba or Yarchagumba. Almost 50% of the annual supply of Cordyceps or Yarsagumba or Yarchagumba comes from Dolpa alone. Here, not only the adults but school goers also take unofficial holidays in search of the gold rush. Collection of Cordyceps or Yarsagumba or Yarchagumba was illegal until 2001 but following its popularity and the lobbying from various organizations, the Government lifted the ban but imposed a royalty rate of Rs. 20,000 (US$ 280) per kilogram(2.2lbs). One kilo of Cordyceps or Yarsagumba or Yarchagumba that costs about Rs. 315 (US$ 5/6) in 1992 increased to Rs. 105,000 (US$ 1,435) by the year 2002 and the price has been shooting up so as the international interest on the mysterious half-caterpillar-half-mushroom known as Cordyceps or Yarsagumba or Yarchagumba.


What we conclude that it is Dolpa is rich in herbal resources and the life is suatined by income from these herbal resources but due to lack of knowledge and technology the amount of herbal collection is decreasing day by day. Proper care should be given on the sustainable management and consumption of herbal resources.This approach is much more important for rare and threatened species.

Ripu M Kunwar,Bal K Nepal, Hari B Kshhetri,Sanjeev K Rai,1 and Rainer W Bussmann,2006, Ethnomedicine in Himalaya: a case study from Dolpa, Humla, Jumla and Mustang districts of Nepal,Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnobiomedicine

Kunwar, R.M. 2002. Some threatened medicinal and aromatic plants: status, trade and management practice in Dolpa district, midwestern Nepal. Journal of Natural History Museum 21:173-186

Suraj Upadhaya
BSC forestry
Institute of Forestry
Kathmandu Forestry College

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Youth and Present Conservation Issues

Young people have a great role to play in the development of a nation. History is replete with examples of the contribution of youth in nation building. Even more so, in a developing country like ours, youth have an even greater role to play. I believe that for proper utilization and mobilization of the nation’s resources, it is pivotal to mobilize youth in the process.

Conservation means sustainable use of natural resources ranging from soil, water, and minerals to plants, and animals. From the aesthetic and moral perspective, conservation also encompasses maintenance of national parks, historical and cultural sites, and wildlife areas. In some cases, conservation may also imply the protection of a natural environment from any human or an economic activity. Conservation, to me, is one of the most important national tasks to be performed by government, because without conservation of either renewable or non-renewable resources, national development cannot be attained.

Our natural environment is being deteriorated at a geometric progression with each passing day. Wildlife is in a situation of danger; the number of endangered species is multiplying; the habitat of many species is devoid of proper management. Additionally, home ranges, and territories of many species are being destroyed for human settlements. Natural habitat of wild animals is being transformed into industrial area. All this has deteriorated the overall environment.

Climate change has been one of the major environmental issues of our time. It is believed to have unprecedented impacts on human beings and their life-support systems. Studies have found out that climate change will have severe impact on water resources, agriculture, and forests, all of which are a source of livelihood for millions of people. This will rob people from the “right to development” and the “right to survival.” Nepalese economy is agro-based and is largely dependent upon the Himalayan water resources and tourism. The rise in temperature has accelerated the snow-melting process. As a result, the snow-covered mountains have significantly declined compared to the past and if the trend continues, they are projected to contract further in the future. The glaciers, in the Himalayas are, therefore, retreating fast posing threats.

Although Nepal has contributed insignificantly to the problem, the country is likely to be one of the hardest-hit. Scientific and anecdotal evidences confirm that climate change has already impacted communities in Nepal through the melting Himalayas. Also, the changing monsoon patterns have a direct effect on water resources and results in reduced crop yield, which leads to food insecurity. Moreover, a number of endangered species are getting extinct because of increased poaching for trading. Game-species are being hunted for economic benefits. Also, animal parts are being illegally exported without fear of law.

The reason for such a calamity is lack of proper law enforcement agencies. Nepal Army and Department of National Park and Wildlife Reserve (DNPWC) are responsible only for activities inside national parks and wildlife reserves. Outside them, Police and District Forest Offices are responsible. Political influence has been one of the major hindrances in the active involvement of these agencies in achieving their conservation objectives.
It is important to mobilize youth for proper conservation of natural resources and to mitigate the effects of climate change. I also say this because I believe that it is the young people who will face the dire consequences of what is happening to the environment today. Young people have the zeal and the energy to perform tasks differently. They can use their learning to design ways to combat the effects of climate change. All they need is guidance, and they will accomplish the objective of saving the environment.

Youth can also control illegal hunting and poaching in and outside the national parks. There are various anti-poaching youth groups formed for creating awareness in community, and controlling such activities. An anti poaching youth groups in buffer zone area of Chitwan National Park are doing a commendable job in raising awareness about the demerits of poaching, and ultimately controlling such activities. More such groups need to be formed, and more youth should be mobilized in order to conserve our wildlife and natural resources.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Taxi Driver Story

Today Prime minister of Nepal, Mr Parchanda resigns. It is showing a critical political environment.Now due to political unstability the 12 points peace agreement is in danger. But what i hope is that this activities may rise a new way of peace making. May be there will be new way of peace establishment in Nepal.

Today i meet two friends, one from US and one from Europe. And both of them were worried about the Nepali context and they were curious about the political environemnt.

When i back having a long discussion on different topics, i meet a taxi driver who was so worried about Nepal's future. He told me that he have just bought the taxi by getting loan from Bank in high interest. He have 4 son and 2 daughter in remote village and he is only one to looks all family members. So he was very worried and he was scolding his luck.
He told me that he is having problem to earn sufficient to pay bank loan. I told why, he blame to our government and present political condition.
He asked me why government did hurried to dismiss chief of Army?

I told him that, Present Chief Rukhmangaht Katuwal is one who is always against of maoists cadrades integartion in Nepal army. His job tenure will be finsihed within 4 months. The person in second row is Mr. Kul Bahadur Khadka who seems to be near to Maoists. And his time period of Army job is going to expired within one years. So if government dismiss Mr. Rukhmanghat Katuwal before Mr. Khadka retired then Mr Khadka will be Chief of Army for 3 years.This will make maoists easy to integrate maoists cadrades to Nepal Army.He laughed at this.

Then i reached to my home.......................
I will be return if i got some new intresting incident.

I am sorry if any mistake in speling is found.



Today I am wondering about my future. Where is my future? Will I get the sound environment in Nepal to implement the knowledge I am gaining now? Will my future will run under a silent and sound environment? Will I will be able to give a proper education to my upcoming generations in peaceful environment?

Present trailer is indicating the very dangerous film is going to be started in country in upcoming time. Near future the Nepal will have to face the same condition that we poor Nepalese people faced for more than 10 years as a civil war in name of Maoists and Nepal government.

Above question and queries are not simply raised.. They are the cracks of what I feel in past. I participated in 19 days Public revolution 2061-62 BS in Pokhara when I was in Institute of Forestry, Pokhara Campus. After that I came to Kathmandu and join BSc forestry at Institute of Forestry, Kathmandu Forestry College and my first semester I am not having exam in fixed schedule. Every semester have become of 8-9 months. Now I am in third semester and my exam should have been done before two months ago but still I am waiting for exam schedule. I don’t know when will my routine will be out and I will sit for exam? If I go to college at morning by bus then whole day I have to worry about returning to home. Unknowingly anytime strike can be happen. Any where people are being killed, anywhere public vehicles are being burned and anywhere students and youngsters and business man are being hijacked.
Now the present political situation is showing me very bad future. We Nepalese have to pay a huge amount for these activities. I don’t know upto when we poor people have to pay for the mistakes that are done by uneducated politicians.

Everywhere problems. No light at night, no tower at cell, no water at tap, no security and peace in country.Upto when we have to worried.??........... Please god gives good knowledge to our so called politicians.

Waiting for response from you at luckysuraj@gmail.com

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nepal and Politics

Just now i heard the news in FM that cabinet meeting decided to make chief of Army Mr. Rukhmanghat Katuwal free from his responsibility from today. Maoists took this decission lonely without support and understanding from rest political parties. The result is being seen in street now. The whole college student are in street protesting against government.

Now Maoists party is busy in gathering supports from other political parties to lengthen their governmental period while Nepali Congress, UML,and other big political parties are against the decission and goovernment. UML (Yemala) is planning to left the collision government.

I am wondering how poor we Nepali people are. Everytime we have to face the political unstability. We are very very unlucky to get such politicians. We can say with a big chest that we are living in wonderfull country but we cant say in same way that we have great politicians. All are busy in their own profit. No one is caring about future of country.

The reason behind such political unstability is the lack of education. The literacy rate of Nepal is low and politics has become the aalternate for one who dont study. If someone become failure in academic area he becomes politicians, if someone become failure in business he become politicians.....
So our politicians are not well educated. All are not like that but most of them are uneducated.

I pray with god that may Nepal remain peace. May this today's incident donot bring any distrubances in country. Most of the stduent are having their exam.Class 11, 12 and Forestry, Engineering etc are having their exam. So i hope they will not distrub the student from giving exam in sound environemnt.

May Nepal Remain peace forever.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Transition Period of Nepal

Whenever the politicians forget to work properly they raise the unimportant matter and put the countrymen in dilemma. The so called popular and large political parties have forget their responsibility and the verdict given by people to them..
Just now due to second people’s revolution, Nepal have entered to new context and it is suffering from transition period. In difference of every ten year Nepal is suffering from mass revolution like in 2007, 2017,2036,2046,2061-62BS etc. During this revolutionary period, Nepal loss a great son a daughters. The economic condition was also weak and the lots of development activities were disturbed.
Another problem being faced by Nepal is the unstable political situation. One government cant sit in position for more than 2 years. One party which is leading government will not get full support from other. The result will be very worst.
At present Nepal is suffering from various economic and social problem. People from different cultural groups are in street to make their demand fulfilled. In the name of caste and religion, people are making different groups. There is no single day which will be free from strike or bandh.
What we can say is that country is in one side and politicians and leaders are in another side.
Viewing the present political scenario of Nepal, we can imagine what is the attitude of our great so called politicians. Our so called respected politicians fight inside constitution assembly and fight inside Nepal’s central office SinghaDurbar. No one listen to another’s saying. Everyone are speaking at a time.
Now the hot issue is about Chief of Army Mr. Rukmanghat Katuwal. Government leaded by Maoists asked clarification from chief of army and he gave the clarification in time. But this clarification issue create the 10 rectar earthquake in and around political environment. The environment of politics is still vibrating. The effect is being seen in poor country. NO one is thinking to decrease this vibration being suffering by Nepal.
Now as we all know the time of Army chief to retired is near. Within few months he will be out auto. Then another person will be in seat of Chief of Army and he will lead the world renowned Nepal Army.
We also see that the Government ask clarification to chief of army inorder to maintain the public sovereignty. Taking this issue, the leaders of Public society went to give suggesation to President not to disturb government from punishing Chief of Army (Rukhmanghat Katuwal). Krishna Pahadi, Khagendra Sangharaula etc forget that they are our leaders not the followers of political parties. If they are from public society i am Public. So why don’t they arise the issue of killing of Ramhari Shrestha, Prachanda Thaiba etc. Why they don’t think that it is necessary to take the action against the killers of these poor son of nation??
It is not matter of Rukhmanghat personally, it is matter of Nepal Armly as a whole. What will happen if the killers of Ramhari Shrestha and Prachanda Thaiba become the Brigadier General or Major? Will Nepali people will accept this? Will world accept this?? No. No one will think about this unscientific matter. Please think on it.......

~Suraj Upadhaya~

Monday, March 30, 2009


With Friends


Take a time...
Think on the situation.. now friends you alone....
So sad..
What did you get???

Living without friends cant be imagined by anyone. The one who lives alone also try to find his friends in material or anyother object that are around you.
While talking about friends. It can me living or non living.

Making friends is the capability of ones. He or she will be friend to anyone who shows a common behaviour to he or she. So to be a good friends the area of intersection should be large.
Disjoint in character or behaviour or attitude cant established a good friendship. So to be a good friend there should be perfect intersection.

So if you are living alone, try to make friends and live with friends. You will feel different.......................

......................................If you want to add more please write to me

Friday, March 27, 2009

2 years experience in IOF Pokhara

After i finished my school level i got admission in Institute of Forestry, Pokhara Campus Pokhara for certificate level. My Isc batch was 2061-63. We were total 40 students from different parts of Nepal. All caste and religions were there. All have different views and idea.

I lived in Chandan hostel. It was so nice. At first in live in room no 11 and due to some distrubances i shift my room to room no 13. My room mate was Prakash Bhattari, a lad from kapilvasthu. He was so nice friends. Who always shows me a way forward for every problem.I spend my first year with him.

As per syllabus,we visit different parts of Nepal. We did some practical in different places.

Later on i again shifted to room no 20. Now i start to live alone in room. I love isolation life in second year. I dont know why but it was my interest to be alone at that time.

When i was in Pokhara Campus, one of my friends from my class was very close with me. We spend long time together visiting different parts of Pokhara. We visit different parts on bicycle.It was a nice time with him but later on due to some misunderstanding he become far from me. I dont like to say that he was wrong. It may be my mistake which makes him to go far from me. I dont know what he thinks but i always remember those situations with him. Hope he will understand me oneday and will again start friendship.

When i am talking about my life in IOf, Pokhara i should not forget to remember Achyut Kafle, Som Bohara, Binod Neupane, Bikram Subedhi (my seniors) who shows me a right way and always be there for help. Now all are in foreign land for masters degree.Bikram bro is in country of Kangaroo and other three sweet brothers are in United State. All are doing great.

My life in hostel was intresting. It was a good experience. I spend my most of the time doing practical and preparing for exam....................................................